Jhanjha Biswaspara, PO - Khasbalanda ,PS - Haroa , Dist - North 24 parganas,Pin - 743425 917318655538/7602371824 jalchabiecoresort@gmail.com

Enjoy Your Vacation With Us

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About Us

Welcome to Jalchabi Eco Resort

Jalchabi Resort is a newly developed 3-star getaway located in Jhanjha, Haroa, near the Gorerdanga Pisciculture area, offering a serene, rural escape. Nestled within a water body, the resort aims to present a natural, rural theme, providing guests with a unique and refreshing flavor.

Just a short distance from Kolkata, Jalchabi Resort offers visitors the chance to experience magnificent rural nature and heritage, making it an ideal destination for holidays. Guests can immerse themselves in the peaceful atmosphere, enjoy the scenic water landscape, and savor a variety of special dishes made to their choice.

The water body surrounding the resort symbolizes life, supporting the local community that relies on fishing and pisciculture as their primary livelihood. The area’s rich fishing culture, especially the nursing and cultivation of prawn, showcases the deep connection between the people and the water. Visitors can also explore the nearby sacred Radha Krishna Mandir and Kali Mandir, adding a spiritual dimension to the resort’s serene environment.